3 underrated tips I wish I knew when I started learning design...

HELLO MY LOVELY CREATORS!!! So today I am going to tell you about 3 tips that I wish I knew when I started learning design . So when I started to study design there were all kinds of tips I got from my teachers, friends and sometimes family. But with time I have learned no one tells about the original improvement based tips they know because at the end we all are competing one another in a way or other. This is kind of disappointing to me , that's why I want to list here 3 ways to design better that are generally not be told by anyone and these tips can be implemented at any stage of your career because it's never too late to learn.

3.master the fundamentals of art and design

I think everyone of you must have already learned the fundamentals of art and design because this is the first lesson they teach us at design schools, but the reason as to why I mentioned it here is that many of us fail to realize the importance of it in the beginning of our journey. You must remember that design is little bit of art and a little bit of science, and from arts point of view you must learn the basics of visual arts and design. so things like composition, emphasis, movement, contrast, all of these things go into how humans perceive things. 

These concepts are not just for 'knowledge as a designer', they are for implementing them into your designs. It may appear hard at first, it may even take more time then usual but trust me it's going to change the appearance of your designs dramatically.

2.think conceptually

The other thing I see that students fail to realize is that 'design in not just about aesthetics', instead it's more about the ideas, innovation, and concepts behind the design that are most important. so think about- the purpose behind your work, what kind of actions it is supposed to do, what kind of feelings it is supposed to deliver... just start reasoning your work to the fullest. Don't leave any loopholes behind in your ideation and design process. Personally speaking this tip increases the chances getting designs approved quicker. 

so start to pay attention to your concepts , not just the looks.

 1.practice smart design

Now here smart design doesn't mean combining technology with your designs (which is a good idea, but remember to not lack at research and skills here); instead here it means a perfect blend of art and science (as mentioned above). Remember it's visual aesthetics and concepts and strategies behind the designs that makes up a smart design. There is no perfect formula that I can give you on creating a perfect balance at the time but I can surly tell you that it is gonna improve as you practice it more and more.

Well now it's time we get back to work and put these tips to action!!! 
Do tell me your views on these tips in the comment section below... 



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