Tips for your first day in a design college...


HELLO MY LOVELY CREATORS!!! So if your first day at design school is coming up or you’re thinking of enrolling, then this article is for you. So as a college starter pack you must have already read tones of other blog posts and already have an idea of what to expect. But what I have noticed with time is that the tips that people usually give are vague and rarely helpful. So I am creating something I wish I had earlier at the beginning of my course and hope that this list give you a little advantage over your classmates.

1. Get organized…

I know this tip feels a little usual but the thing is we tend to forget about it over time. But trust me if there’s a tip that is going to be the life saver from this list then it is going to be this one. When I first started my course I only considered organization to be placing everything I have in the right place. But no that’s not all, I realized with time that as a designer I have to be organized everywhere, from my stationary to all of my data in digital devices.

The hack to this is super simple. Just make folders for everything. Make folders in your laptop for every subject and store all your pdfs, assignments, documentations and whatever relates to it there. Also remember to name your file different from the rest so that you don’t have to go through all the 12 “class assignment” folders just to find the one you want.

Do the same with your sketches, material samples, inspirational cut-outs and just everything. This sounds like a lot of work but once you get used to it, it will make life at design college dramatically easier.

Be ahead of your deadlines...

2.Time management…

One of the mistakes I see students making is to think that fashion design schools are easy. NO THEY ARE’NT!!! This field is so underrated in terms of efforts and time needed to put in to be good at it. It’s not all about fashion it way beyond that. So make it your golden rule from the first day to complete your assignments way before your deadlines. Don’t be like those 75% students who always finish their project the night before their deadlines and afterwards brag about the sleepless efforts they putted into their work.

This will not only help you to meet up the deadlines peacefully but also to pay attention to details and make necessary changes without a ‘redo’.

3.Don’t hesitate from your teachers…

Hesitating from teachers and not asking about your mistakes and questions is one of the blunders you can do while studying in design college. Just talk to them , ask them questions(make sure they are sensible though) and never ever think of coming back from their cabin with a redo assignment without knowing your mistakes. This tip may seem obvious to some but as I observed around me there were so many with this issue. It’s ok if you were a total introvert in your high school or you don’t know about how to communicate well with your teachers, but it’s truly the high time to change yourself now. Don’t go around taking the pride in being that way (I am saying this cause I met some who do, and that’s weird) because in the industry of fashion and design there’s no room for it. You can’t grow yourself up as a designer that way. This industry needs you to be really good in conversations with your surrounding people (especially your superiors and customers). So that’s why I highly recommend you to brush this skill up and be endlessly curious around your teachers from the very first day.

Well there you have it! Hopefully these tips will make your transition to design school a little easier. Fashion design school has a great environment and you’ll really learn a lot here. I’m not saying you won’t have stressful nights or weeks, but you’ll get through it and end up becoming a better designer because of it. I will post up new tips and tricks to make your life as a design student way easier but that’s all for today.

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